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152 pages


508 pages

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Book 1 of 3
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Book 2 of 3
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Book 3 of 3
The Final Chapter
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My Story

THE KID FROM NOELVILLE - T1 - The First Decade
    Book One, written from a Nine-year old’s point of view, tells the story of a young adventurous boy, born of an unwanted birth on December 15th, 1950, raised in a Bilingual speaking family in a small northern Ontario village with a population of 500 residents.  He
wassecond generation from the Pioneers and Settlers that founded and built this little community.  His pioneer grandfather, owner of the only still standing hotel in the village, was also the founder of the first telephone system in the village until Bell took over in 1955.  Raised mostly by his grandparents, was the village “Denis the Menace” due to his undiagnosed ADHD.
    The first part of the book relates events of his adventures during the first decade of his life.  While being abused during the first 8 years, his escape into the woods uncovers a secret place, a hole in the ground where a mystery is unfolding and then he disappears, as far as his friends are concerned, in 1960.

    The second part of the book relates events of how the pioneers arrived and founded the village of NOELVILLE, and shows the pioneer’s struggles of founding and building the new Hamlet.  It also shows the history of their ancestors and of the Métis ancestors and descendants of his family.


THE KID FROM NOELVILLE - T2 - The Coming of Age

    The second book, soon to be released, starts by showing the mysterious circumstances of his disappearance, his sudden loss of memory and of being sent into the military to learn discipline by his new guardians after his was taken custody from his parents.  Most of the young teenagers with this unheard of problem of ADHD just needed military discipline to fix their problems, or so they thought.
    We follow his many adventures of growing up under the custody of his guardians into his teenage years of his love relationships, his marriage, and his work. First working for NRC where he discovers in the basement storage of building M-58 Project Blue Book that was abandoned by the USA and then his work for the most powerful government spy agency in Canada, CBNRC as it was known before they were uncovered by CBC’s The Fifth Estate television broadcast in 1974.  We then follow him when he transfers into the RCMP in 1976, his wedding, his daughter’s wedding, his many travels over the years and ends when he finally gets divorced and retires in 1997 due to unforeseen circumstances.

    During the years following his sudden mysterious departure from Noelville, he is haunted by his mysterious hole in the ground in the woods of Noelville.  For the next 55 years, he is plagued with nightmares about it, until after some research and the help of a friend’s drone, he finds the source of that hole which was created by a cosmic event that occurred in 1867 and was resolved 150 years later.  He uncovers the truth of why no sound of nature and wildlife could be heard in the immediate vicinity.  The beginning of this story is in book 1 “The first Decade” and the beginning of this mystery started in 1867.

My Books

T-1 The First Decade

T-2  The Coming Of Age

T-3  The Final Chapter

My Books

The Sequel, book 2 of the trilogy

of The Kid From Noëlville

is now at the print shop

forthcoming in May or June


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Nov 23 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Nov 23, 2018, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Residence de la Gappe
485 Blvd de la Gappe, Gatineau, QC
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